Tech 4 Accountants DNS Checker Tool

Validate DNS records for your domain / website

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DNS Record Types

DNS Record Types

DNS (Domain Name System) records are instructions stored in authoritative DNS servers that guide client requests made via the internet. Here is a brief description of the various types of DNS records:

A Records

An A record, or Address Record, links a domain to the physical IP address of a computer hosting that domain’s services.

AAAA Records

An AAAA record (quad-A record) performs the same function as an A record, but for IPv6 addresses instead of IPv4.

TXT Records

TXT records are used to hold free-form text of any type. They are most commonly used for SPF data to help prevent email spam.

MX Records

MX (Mail Exchanger) records are used to specify the mail servers used to accept emails on behalf of a domain.

CNAME Records

CNAME (Canonical Name) records create aliases of one name to another. This can make managing services hosted across multiple IP addresses easier.

CAA Records

CAA (Certification Authority Authorization) records allow domain holders to specify which certificate authorities are permitted to issue certificates for their domain.

NS Records

NS (Name Server) records are used to delegate a subdomain to a set of name servers. They define which name servers can communicate what a specific domain and its subdomains are.

SRV Records

SRV (Service) records are a generalization and expansion of MX records. They allow control over prioritization of delivery and usage.

DMARC Records

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) records help protect email senders and recipients from spam, spoofing, and phishing.

SSHFP Records

SSHFP (SSH Fingerprint) records are used in SSH communications to provide a method for verifying the host’s key fingerprint.

TLSA Records

TLSA (Transport Layer Security Authentication) records bind a TLS server’s public key with a domain name, allowing a DNS resolver to establish trust in a TLS server.

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